Mozambique National Anthem in English

Pátria Amada” (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈpatɾjaˈma]; ‘Beloved Homeland’) stands as the national anthem of Mozambique, legally sanctioned in 2002 under Article 295 of the Mozambique Constitution.

Historical Background of Mozambique Anthem

This anthem marks Mozambique’s second choice post-independence, with the initial one being “Viva, Viva a FRELIMO.” The lyrics of the former were expunged in the 1990s, leading the Parliament to adopt a new anthem, “Pátria Amada,” in 2002. Even though nine individuals participated in crafting the composition, the Republic’s Assembly officially acknowledged Manhiça as the anthem’s sole author in 2013. Nevertheless, there are claims from other sources suggesting additional contributors to “Pátria Amada,” including Justino Sigaulane Chemane, responsible for the music, and Mia Couto.

English Lyrics of Mozambique Anthem

Choir 1

In homage to Africa and the World

Enchanted cradle for those who dare to engage in battle

Mozambique, your appellation embodies emancipation

The June sun shall cast its eternal radiance

Choir 2

Mozambique, our resplendent terrain

Erecting a nascent era, brick by brick

Myriad arms converging into a singular vigor

Oh cherished nation, triumph shall be ours

Choir 3

Unified citizens spanning from Rovuma to Maputo

Harvesting the yields of the struggle for tranquility

The reverie burgeons, unfurling the standard

And tilling with certitude for the morrow

Choir 4

Blossoms burgeon from the soil of your toil

Across mountains, rivers, and the vast expanse of the sea

We pledge allegiance to you, oh Mozambique

No despot shall subjugate us

Choir 5


Q1: What is the national anthem of Mozambique, and when was it legally sanctioned?

A1: “Pátria Amada” is the national anthem of Mozambique, legally sanctioned on April 30, 2002, under Article 295 of the Mozambique Constitution.

Q2: Who authored the national anthem of Mozambique, and when was it officially acknowledged?

A2: Salomão J. Manhiça authored “Pátria Amada,” and it was officially acknowledged by the Republic’s Assembly in 2013 as his sole creation.

Q3: Were there any contributors other than Salomão J. Manhiça to the anthem “Pátria Amada”?

A3: While Salomão J. Manhiça is officially recognized as the sole author, there are claims from other sources suggesting additional contributors, including Justino Sigaulane Chemane, responsible for the music, and Mia Couto.

Q4: What was Mozambique’s initial national anthem post-independence, and when was it replaced?

A4: Mozambique’s initial national anthem post-independence was “Viva, Viva a FRELIMO,” replaced by “Pátria Amada” on April 30, 2002, due to the expungement of the former’s lyrics in the 1990s.

Q5: Can you provide a brief overview of the key themes mentioned in the anthem “Pátria Amada”?

A5: “Pátria Amada” celebrates Mozambique’s history and struggle for emancipation, emphasizing unity, the emergence of a new era, triumph, and the resilience of its citizens from Rovuma to Maputo.

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